Preventive Care

a cat is being examined by a veterinarian with a stethoscope

Wellness Exams

Our comprehensive general health examination is designed to prevent disease and prolong the life of your companion animal.

Dogs and cats age more rapidly than humans so that significant health issues can develop quickly.

A health exam at least once a year is recommended to diagnose, treat or prevent problems. 

Book My Exam


Vaccination protects your pet and family from harmful viruses and bacterial infections. Taking this preventive measure is the first defense against illness and disease. 

Once vaccinated, your pet will enjoy a prolonged healthy quality of life. 

When your puppy or kitten has completed the vaccine series, they can contact other animals. It is the law to vaccinate against rabies to protect your family, the community, and other animals. 

More info on feline vaccinations click here

More info on canine vaccinations click here

What can I expect at a vaccination appointment?

Our team will welcome your pet, with an enthusiastic and reassuring greeting. 

We will weigh your pet and take the history or an update on health since the last appointment. 

The vet will arrive to do a physical examination and administer the vaccination. Be sure to take advantage of this consultation. Ask questions, address any treatment needs and make plans for future appointments. 

What's Next? 

Book an appointment. We will make it happen with total convenience for you. 

a man is holding a small black and white dog in his arms .


You want what's best for your furry friend, so you want to keep them safe and protected from nasty parasites, such as heartworms.

Heartworms are nasty little critters that live in the heart and lungs of pets. They are transmitted when mosquitoes bite the skin of animals and deposit the worm larvae under the skin, where they migrate into the bloodstream. These larvae end up in the heart and begin to multiply. This is a serious condition, causing damage to organs in severe cases. It can even be fatal.

This is why every year we recommend a heartworm test for your dog so that we can detect potential infections early, which will allow us to administer treatment before the disease progresses. Of course, the best way to deal with heartworm is to prevent infection in the first place. This is why we ensure our patients are protected by prescribing heartworm medication from June - November each year.

Flea Prevention

How do I know my pet has fleas?

Adult fleas and ticks are visible with the naked eye. Flea dirt (poop) looks like dark sand granules in your pet's coat. Your pet will experience itchy skin from flea bites. When symptoms are severe,they may have an allergic reaction, and chew at the base of their tail, causing hair loss and bleeding, even infection.

How do I make sure my pet does not get fleas?

The best way to ensure your pet will not have fleas is to use a flea prevention medication that will kill certain flea life stages. There are many other products and options that we are happy to explore with you and decide what treatment best fits your lifestyle. 

Do fleas get on humans and bite?

Yes, fleas most certainly will hop onto humans and bite. Fleas can transmit diseases and other parasites such as tapeworms. Fleas will lay eggs all over your house, and very soon, you have an infestation. It is vital to interrupt the life cycle immediately so that this does not happen. The moral is, get onto it, do not wait or procrastinate! Call us as soon as you identify a problem with fleas on your pet. 

Fortunately, our flea prevention and control services work effectively to keep your pet and your household free from these pests. That means no irritation from fleas and no more concerns about problems associated with the parasites.

man and dog

Tick Prevention

To your pet, the outside is a playground, full of things to see and do and experience. Outdoor fun is something you should encourage, but it is important to ensure your pet is protected against some dangers of the great outdoors.

One such danger is the tick. These nasty little parasites dig into the skin of your pet and begin sucking blood. Of course, this is a serious annoyance for your pet. But it can be much worse than this. Ticks carry a range of different diseases, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

If you find a tick on your pet, there is no need to panic. Contact us directly for expert advice on how to remove and deal with these pesky critters.

The best way to keep your pet safe from ticks is through prevention. This way, your pet does not have to suffer the discomfort and risk that comes from a tick bite. We offer topical and orally delivered preventives, as well as the Lyme vaccine for dogs with a high tick exposure risk.

Internal Parasites

Being a pet owner also means being aware of the different types of internal parasites that can affect your furry companion. These parasites range from the annoying and itchy to the potentially fatal, which is why such conditions need to be treated without delay. Our team provides expert treatment designed to take care of internal parasite cases. We also offer preventative medicine that can keep parasites at bay and prevent problems before they occur. This is supported by help and advice aimed at keeping your pet and your family free from these nasty critters.

Be on the lookout for the following symptoms in your pet:

  • Sickness and diarrhea
  • Swollen belly
  • Hair loss
  • Loss of appetite, leading to weight loss

These may all be signs of a parasite in your pet's digestive system. Parasites such as roundworm, hookworm, tapeworm and others can be picked up when your pet is playing outside, rooting around in the trash or the undergrowth, grooming themselves or eating. 

It is also possible for your pet to transfer these parasites to you. Make sure you deal with the problem by reaching out to our team. 

We will do our best to help your pet return to their normal, happy, healthy self.

a black and white cat is sitting on top of a wooden box .
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